Step 1: Keep accurate records of all your support payments. If you pay through the state, get a copy of your records.
Step 2: If your pay has decreased have your boss write a letter for you as documented proof. If the custodial parent has made recent lavish, unnecessary purchases, take pictures.
Step 3: File a petition to Modify Support. If your payments are lowered the new payment will go back to the date of your petition. Do a Discovery and subpoena the custodial parents' bank and credit card records. When Discovery is complete, get a court date set.
Step 4: Continue all court dates until Discovery is complete. Make sure you are on your best behavior in court. Do not ever argue with the judge or the custodial parent.
Know the facts, but do not try to act like you are an attorney. Let your records and documentation do most of the talking for you. Your job is to be composed and organized when presenting your petition to lower your Child Support.
Stay on the high road and remember this is not an attempt to "get back" at the custodial parent and mother or father of your child. This is a legitimate attempt to lower your payments because it is difficult for you to make ends meet. If you're not having a difficult time financially then you should not go down this road because the law of "cause and effect" will come back to haunt you.