Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Get Custody of Your Child

  1. Be there from day one.

  2. Hire a good attorney.

  3. Get a place of residence in your own name.

  4. Do not move out of your home until it is absolutely necessary.

  5. Take parenting classes and keep certificate for court.

  6. Take the high road and do not belittle the Mother of your children before the judge.

  7. Realize, it is not about who was at fault in the marriage, your focus should be 100% on getting custody of your children.

  8. Have information about Day Care Centers, schools, and activities that your children will be involved in and present your documented facts before the judge.

  9. Stay focused, don't get rattled, no matter what your opponent says in the courtroom.

  10. Read the book by Sun Tzu called "The Art of War"

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